All posts by Florian Thürk

Latest Curriculum!

Apparently there were some problems during the release of the latest BME curriculum. In short: The latest curriculum was NOT published even though it was accepted by the senate.
Please find the latest curriculum here. Changes are highlighted and I strongly recommend going through it, since the new lectures will not be assigned to BME in TISS. Nevertheless, the dean of studies will approve all courses in the curriculum if you finish them during this semester!
If you have more questions please write to the student council or to Prof. Thurner.

Open Master Thesis @AIT

Dear Students,

If you are searching for a topic for your master thesis and have some background in biomedical signal processing, this might be interessting for you.

The Austrian Institute of Technology is currently offering a thesis/internship  with the topic Analysis of Pulse Wave and ECG Recordings in Mice.

For more details see Ausschreibung TU 201710 DA Murine ECG and PWA

In this regards, there are still open slots in the lecture Biosignal analysis using Matlab if you would like to improve your biomedical signal processing skills,




Open PhD position [closed]

Hi all,

The research group Biomedical Sensing of Prof. Kaniusas is currently offering a PhD position with the topic, Neurostimulation and impact of electromagnetic fields on biologic systems. You can read [1] and [2] for further information on this topic.

If you are interested and have a background of BIomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or a similar study, please feel free to contact
manuela.reinharter (at)

For more information see also the official job ad: Ausschreibung



[1] Guiraud, David, David Andreu, and Stéphane Bonnet. n.d. “Vagus Nerve Stimulation : State of the Art of Stimulation and Recording Strategies to Address Autonomic Function Neuromodulation” 41002. doi:10.1088/1741-2560/13/4/041002.
[2] Kampusch, Stefan, Eugenijus Kaniusas, and Jozsef C. Szeles. 2013. “New Approaches in Multi-Punctual Percutaneous Stimulation of the Auricular Vagus Nerve.” In 6th Annnual International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 263–66. doi:10.1109/NER.2013.6695922.