Open PhD position [closed]

Hi all,

The research group Biomedical Sensing of Prof. Kaniusas is currently offering a PhD position with the topic, Neurostimulation and impact of electromagnetic fields on biologic systems. You can read [1] and [2] for further information on this topic.

If you are interested and have a background of BIomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or a similar study, please feel free to contact
manuela.reinharter (at)

For more information see also the official job ad: Ausschreibung



[1] Guiraud, David, David Andreu, and Stéphane Bonnet. n.d. “Vagus Nerve Stimulation : State of the Art of Stimulation and Recording Strategies to Address Autonomic Function Neuromodulation” 41002. doi:10.1088/1741-2560/13/4/041002.
[2] Kampusch, Stefan, Eugenijus Kaniusas, and Jozsef C. Szeles. 2013. “New Approaches in Multi-Punctual Percutaneous Stimulation of the Auricular Vagus Nerve.” In 6th Annnual International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 263–66. doi:10.1109/NER.2013.6695922.